Well, if I'm not miscalculating, I've been working continuously for almost 8-9 years now, without stopping...
And well, it surprises me in part that I started so young, and in part, I also feel quite proud of everything I've been achieving, especially in these last few months, mainly because it has taken me too much time and effort.
Say what you will, but I've worked like a beast in the last 10 years, trying a thousand and one things.
In today's post, we'll talk about those projects or ideas for passive income that have worked for me over the years.
The first thing I want to make clear is that there's no quick route, no matter how much I explain what has worked for me, it doesn't mean that knowing the method will get you there much faster.
Moreover, I always knew what I had to do, I just hadn't achieved it before because everything involved takes time.
I know what I have to do to get physically strong, but no matter how much I know what needs to be done, I won't achieve it in just 2 months; it takes time, and not only knowing the destination but also knowing the path.
The first thing I would recommend, if you're a designer, is to open a social media account and start creating content from today onwards; this will be key in anything you want to do later.
Having organic traffic willing to visit the things you share is fundamental.
The second thing I would recommend is to start a Newsletter; collecting people's emails is the most valuable thing in the world. Nowadays, new social networks emerge almost every 2 years, some plummet, others grow... but email is something that is always there.
That said, let's get started:
By the way, I almost forgot: Passive means that money is not subject to direct effort. Instead, the work is done once, and then the money is earned.
Spoiler: Most of the time, this "done once" thing is false because you'll have to:
- Respond to your users.
- Make certain improvements/fix what exists.
- Incorporate new things (if you want).
Still, even with the first two, you have plenty of work, some maintenance work always exists. But yeah, it's not 8 hours a day for €1200. Passive means it's not directly related to the hours you put in, it doesn't mean it's easy and quick.
Ebooks & guides of personal experiences
I'm not going to tell you that you have to write a book on a topic and that's it, because you've probably already thought of that before.
The key here is to choose what kind of book we want to create.
The key to these types of books is to make them super personal.
On social media, we follow people, although what we're really following is that person's story.
That is to say:
- Don't write a book on "how to reach 10,000 followers on Instagram"
- But do write a book on "how I reached 10,000 followers on Instagram with this method I created."
People have to think: If you could do it, I can do it too.
You have to get this across.
It's like if you did all of this anonymously and then a friend comes along, having a beer, and says "what did you do to make this happen, what have you tried, what hasn't worked for you?".
What sells is not the topic, but how you achieved the goal, what you tried, what worked for you, what didn't work for you.
Especially "what didn't work for you, don't make the same mistakes".
And you can apply this to making videos on YouTube, Instagram, etc.
Remember, people follow stories, not people. Make it super personal, super specific.
Create a product (that solves a problem of yours frist)
I know many people don't like this approach because just because you need it doesn't mean there's product-market fit or a real need.
It's true, you have to do several tests, testing, and analysis to really choose the right product.
But it's always much easier to start by thinking: Okay, what do I need. What problems am I having and not solving.
So I'm going to create this tool, and if it has helped me, it will help someone else too.
This is the basis. It may be that there are people who don't see the value in this and it ends up being an extremely specific and localized need, or it may turn out to be useful for others.
Sure, you can tell me it's not the best idea strategically, but hey, it's always worked for me.
And that's why I founded koalaui.com.
Oh, and €1,300 in 6 days. Maybe if I identified my problem, found a solution, it was useful for someone else.
Let me interject here. Everything I've mentioned about social media and a Newsletter is important to understand this.
These two ideas I've just given you, it's very likely that if you don't make yourself known, it's all in vain. You need something, you need to tell the world "I exist, by the way, I've done this".
And that's why I said it's work:
- On one hand, do the project.
- On the other hand, grow an audience/create content. (There are many ways to create content, you don't have to do tutorials, just designing and sharing your work it’s fine).
Now, the important part
Well, once the two ideas are given, it's important that you understand the following:
Actually, the ideas I've given you are quite generic, although the key to them lies in the details and nuances I've given you.
However, to sell, we need to make ourselves known, and today I'm going to talk to you about something that for some strange reason doesn't get much hype.
Honey attracts bees
What I need you to understand is:
- You create a fascinating product, but nobody knows about it.
- We need to attract people to come and say "oh, you have this".
So, how do we do the second point.
- Create content.
- Lead magnets.
Let's talk about lead magnets. The first thing you'll have to do is create an incredibly good product, for free.
Yes, you'll have to work very hard to create a lot of value and then give it away for free.
Don't worry, it's not stupid.
When we give things away for free, the user automatically lowers their expectations "well, if it's free...", like they won't expect much from that product either.
But if the product is also great, they'll be super happy and might see what else you have, that's when you hit them with the premium product.
A lead magnet is a product designed to attract people's attention (as its name suggests), get their emails to later impact with a paid product.
That's why it's very common to see libraries of free icons, cool illustrations for free, free templates... Is that person silly for doing all this for free? No, free templates attract up to 80% more downloads.
If a premium product downloads 5 times, a free product can easily download you 500 times.
But thanks to impacting those 500 people, of those 500 people, at least 1%, that is, at least 5 people will buy your premium product.
Exactly, that's why many companies that sell products or services always have a blog section with free content. Is this content really given away for free? Yes, but they use it to attract people, and this ends up being traffic on their website to then impact with their products.
What are you waiting for.
I’m thrilled to announce that I can finally announce Koala UI. Koala is the project I have been working on for the past 8 months.
Koala UI is a Design System built for users who are looking to create uniquely beautiful websites with highly converting structures and SEO optimization.
Download now: koalaui.com

If you are interested on making a living with Content Creation, I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve recently release my book: From $0 to $10.000 on client projects with only 10.000 followers on Instagram”.