FOFB, I just made it up.
I meant to say, Fear Of Falling Behind.
After watching the Webflow event, just like when I watch other events, it makes me question, what am I really contributing to the world?
It's not about comparisons, but rather a reality check. All these people are looking at what they've been publishing and working on for a while. And you? What progress are you making in your projects?
In the end, you realize it's a bit of nonsense. It isn’t a fair comparison. You don't have the same budget, the same team, or the same conditions, but it does make you think about certain things anyway.
Is what I'm really doing impactful for my future? Is this really getting me closer to my goals?
So here comes self-criticism.
In my case, yes, I believe I'm making progress.
I have to say that lately, I keep encountering rejections. Every time I do something, I run into walls that prevent me from moving forward. But here's the key: there will never be anything that truly stops me because I'll overcome it if I have to.
But it does affect motivation.
We've talked many times that motivation is something we can't rely on, but it's undoubtedly important. In the end, we are emotional beings, and even if we control it, emotions always affect us. Just like when your mother brings you good news, you feel happy and even feel like doing things.
When your mother brings you bad news, you might lose the motivation to keep working on your things, don’t you. Why? Because we are human. And even though we work on motivation to focus on iteration and consistency, whether you like it or not, motivation plays an important role.
Lately, I do feel less energy to do things because with every opportunity that could change my life, I receive a "no," and it's frustrating to always be at the door.
But instead of blaming others, we have to focus on ourselves, and instead of positioning ourselves as victims, we have to keep working and improving things so that they have no reason to say no to us.
And this will be my plan for the remainder of 2023 and 2024. I will focus on not giving anyone a reason to say no to me, I will be the best version of myself, and I will achieve the impossible. I have the abilities and tools; I just need to move the pieces right.
It's not a matter of capability; it's a matter of:
- Enjoying life and finding balance
- Creating systems that help you organize and get into a state of flow automatically. Delegate what can be delegated to tools like Notion. Use tools that make life easier and processes that help you remember things and complete tasks.
- Achieving intense focus when you work, many sessions of deep work, real work.
- Above all, not getting frustrated, taking it easy, and relying on a consistent and iterative process.
I would even dare to say that success is learning these last three things because finding the balance and sweet spot in these three things is what leads you to success.
Don't obsess over what others are doing and what you are doing; you don't know all the contexts. But it's okay if this serves as a small spark to keep you alive and not fall into the comfort zone.
And that's it for today's post; I hope it has sparked some inspiration and made your journey a bit easier.
To wrap up, I'd like to announce that I've opened up sponsorship opportunities for those who want to have a space in this newsletter. All you have to do is contact me at and select the "newsletter sponsorship" option and send me your proposal.
Sponsor of the week: NaztekUI. Naztek UI is a Design System built specifically to create high-converting sections. These sections can be combined to create entire web pages with high conversion rates.
Websites are the driving force behind many companies, the main source where users turn into customers and where the product is showcased. Good SEO to attract users, compelling storytelling to explain the product, and high conversion to enable the company to complete the business model.
Until next time!