How are you? How are you doing?
Ufff... this week has been interesting.
There have been many changes in the office, and different times are coming.
Undoubtedly exciting, but different.
Today I went to the gym, but I didn't do the routine I was supposed to.
I felt very tired, and I couldn't lift the weights or do the exercises I was supposed to do.
And I thought.
What is important here, finishing the exercises or going to the gym?
Because let's see: finishing the exercises is important, but what matters here is not losing momentum, and going to the gym on a Sunday is what's important, in my opinion. What's important is that the process has to be sustainable. It's better to go and do less (but go) than to come up with excuses and not do what you have to do.
And this brings us to today's topic.
I've joined and quit the gym a thousand times.
And this time, it's the first time I'm going consistently.
And why is that? I realized that when I relied on motivation, I ended up not going. Why? Because if I'm not motivated, why should I do it? So, you stop going and stop doing things.
When I signed up last time, I thought, even if I don't feel like it, I'm going to keep going.
And surprise, even though there are days when I don't feel like it, there are other days when I do.
Why? Because instead of directly seeking motivation, I seek motivation through consistency.
I know I have to go, or I know I have to do X thing → I go and do it.
When you've been doing it for 2 weeks, it's harder to quit "because you've already been doing it for 2 weeks." When you've been doing it for 2 years, it's even harder because "damn, I've been doing it for 2 years."
The more you build, the more you do, the harder it is to quit because of everything you've built and the effort it took to build it.
And of course, there will be days when I feel like it or I'm motivated, but it's just so volatile... motivation comes and goes. But as long as I keep going consistently, that's what truly matters.
Because I don't have to think about anything else, I just have to go, I have to do X thing, and that's it.
Through consistency, I find motivation.
And this applies to everything, especially in design and the creative industry.
Remember that what matters is the process; don't quit. Keep it consistent, no matter what.