Let’s get started!
What we are going to talk about today is a bit tricky. A few years ago I was one of those designers who simply looked for what I needed and that was it, sometimes I found what I was looking for, and sometimes I didn't. And that's normal.
I also thought that this was a bit subjective and that it really depended on the person. Some people would get one thing and some people would get another.
To a certain extent, both statements are correct. But what I want you to know is that there are some tips and tricks that can make it easier for you to find whatever you're looking for, it will allow you to save time, and whenever you're looking for something, you’ll immediately find it.
A few months ago I finished university, I studied graphic design at a private university in Barcelona. What I realized is that social media is really a free university, but very few people take advantage of it.
Social media is really a free university, but very few people take advantage of it.
And this is the reality, you don't get the idea of all the content I've learned on social media on my own, that I wasn't taught at university. I could even tell you that, by applying these tricks that I'm going to tell you, I would have probably saved myself university.
✱ · 01: Follow the right people. A lot of people ask me that with 10,000 followers, I only follow 120 people.
This is one of the things that looks the easiest, but it really isn't. The trick is: Consider making two accounts, one to find as much value as possible and one to follow your friends and the non-professional environment.
It is about being very meticulous in deciding who to follow, and that you only follow those who bring you value. In other words, that you are able to:
- Make money from what they teach you.
- Learn something new.
If, after a while, that person no longer adds value to you, stop following them.
Follow the people who really add value to you.
✱ · 02: Teach the algorithm. Very few apply this, but it makes a lot of sense. Just like when someone offers you a food you don't like you say "I don't like it", it's the same with content. Simply tell your algorithm not to recommend this type of content anymore.

✱ · 03: Every niche has its specific keywords. This is a bit tricky also. Actually, the easiest way to find what you are looking for is to use the correct nomenclature. But, of course, you don't know what you don't know. This section takes time, and over time you will realize the specific names you should use.
Ej: Pop up message → Tooltip. Switch → Toggle.
✱ · 04: Save for later only valuable content: Try to be very careful with the content you save, it is not about saving all the content you find, only the content that has a lot of value and save it in a place that you are really going to review later.
Meticulously select only content that has a lot of value and store it in a place where you will actually review it later.
✱ · 05: Check the content you saved for later. How many of us have thousands of bookmarked resources that we've never read, or archived files in some Notion database that we've never looked at again? If you save it, then you read it.
If you save it, then you read it.
✱ · 06: Create different collections & categories: It is important that you make a category for each interest you have, so you can find the content you need much faster.

✱ · 07: Create an external database. Experience tells me that the owners of the content you save, can (obviously) delete/modify the content you have saved. That's why I have a database in Notion with all kinds of inspirations gurated in screenshots.

Bonus gift: Of course, since we've been talking about databases and categorizing/archiving the content we find. You can now download my Second Ultimate Brain for Creatives, a repository where you can archive all the content you find and then find it quickly.

Cheers, Jordi Espinosa.