Let’s get started!
Two out of every three clients approve my proposals. A proposal is created when a customer expresses interest in working with you and requests a price. This is the stage at which you present them with a proposal that includes your proposed solution as well as a price.
Some clients may agree with you and sign the contract, while others will find it too pricey or just refuse to sign with you for whatever reason (if you can find out why, all the better, so you have room for improvement).
In my experience, most of my clients tell me, "I agree, let's get started on the project." This is due to a number of factors, including:
✨01: The only thing that clients want is clarity.
Clients want things to be clear; when you make a proposal, try to provide them with as detailed a document as possible that justifies the final price; this way, the client will know where the figures come from and what their money will be spent on.
Uncertainty quals “not sure, better no”.
🤝02: Get more clients before the project is finished.
What you really want is more clients when the project you're working on is finished. That is, once the project is completed, you will not be left with nothing, but will be able to continue producing, finishing one and beginning the other.
There are several ways to accomplish this, but the following are the most important:
- Make sure you offer a quality service, not just the result or the product that is delivered. Service is also important, and it has to be impeccable for the experience of working with you to be perfect.
- Offer your client a % for every client they bring to you. I.e.: Tell your client that if one of his acquaintances needs a service that I can cover, if he brings me that client I will give him a percentage for recommendation. This way this client will be able to earn money without doing hardly anything, I will take care of the rest, but I will give him a percentage for bringing me work.
📆03: Show up daily
It's important that you let yourself be seen, create an account on Behance, Dribbble and Instagram and start publishing content, people need to know what you are capable of. I would recommend you:
- Make sure you have 2 well-worked case studies.
- Make sure you have 4 different presentations. Not case studies, you don't need to include all the documentation and the creative process, but 4 different projects, even if they are fake projects. That doesn't matter, what matters is that you have material to show your potential clients.
- Every week, try to release a new piece. You don't need to publish 1 a day, 1 a week is more than enough. Not only will this help you build up a good repository of material, but it will also help you commit to constant practice. They don't have to be big projects, you can do a login one day, an onboarding one day, a registration page one day, like Jordan Hughes. They are not very big projects, they are screens, simple flows that allow you to be constantly practising.

This is the basis:
01: Show yourself to the world.
02: Make sure you don't stop practising.
03: Take care of your clients with service.
04: Make sure your clients, get you more clients.
Cheers, Jordi Espinosa.