🎈 How to design differently · The Bunker #43

I believe that staying different is one of the most challenging things. Because everyone tends to do what the rest dictates. And do you know what the secret is to doing things differently?...

Hey there, my friend!

Grab a seat at our favorite café because I want to chat with you about something huge.

The key in design is many things, but one of them, and in my opinion the most important one: staying different.

I believe that staying different is one of the most challenging things. Because everyone tends to do what the rest dictates.

And do you know what the secret is to doing things differently?

Taking just 5 extra minutes to try something different.

The reality is that it only takes 5 minutes to do things differently.

Let's think about it. How many designers are there who do things differently?

But what does it mean to do something different?

Doing something different means bringing out the personality you have inside and expressing it to the world.

People don't do different things because everyone does what everyone else does instead of expressing their own personality.

For example.

On my website, I had a classic navigation, right? A traditional header navigation at the top with some links.

And I thought, how can I do it differently?

The truth is, I don't really know why I was using that typical component.

Well, yes, I do. Because it's the standard thing to do, right? On every website, you place a traditional header navigation.

So, I came up with the idea that maybe I could do something similar to the cmd + k menu that some pages have.

Command + K menu — Untitled UI by Jordan Hughes® on Dribbble

Designed by Jordan Hughes.

But then I thought, the concept of cmd + k is cool, but I want something more... I don't know. Something different, the same concept but at the same time something more accessible, something they don't have to search and type, something they already have ready.

So, I came up with this design.

Cool, right? Well, it's nothing extraordinary, it's just thinking a little further and doing something distinctive.

Another example.

Blog sections are usually a bit boring.

And I thought, how can I make it more entertaining?

And suddenly I saw a video on Pinterest of an animation of a concept called Dynamic Island.

Start Designing for Dynamic Island and Live Activities | Infinum

And I thought, it would be cool to adapt the concept of Dynamic Island but for desktop.

So, I designed a prototype.

Not only that, but when I had finished the design, I thought about trying to present it in a different way.

How? Well... I know a bit of 3D, so let's recall my 3D skills and try to present it in a different way.

And this was the result.

By the way, if you want to try this prototype in action, you can go to this link:


And all because I took an extra 5 minutes to think of something distinctive.

Believe me, those 5 minutes can have a remarkable impact on your creative process and the outcomes you achieve. Let's dive in!

In today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves rushing from one task to another.

We settle for what's familiar, what's easy, and what's already been done. But what if we paused for a moment and allowed ourselves the freedom to explore new possibilities? That's where those precious 5 minutes come into play.

First and foremost, let's acknowledge that change can be intimidating. It's okay, it's normal, damn it.

Stepping out of our comfort zone is never easy, but it's the first step towards innovation.

Taking those extra 5 minutes to venture beyond the ordinary can open up a world of fresh ideas and solutions that we might have otherwise missed.

One of the simplest ways to begin is by investing those 5 minutes in research.

Whether you're working on a design project, crafting a marketing strategy, or even creating a personal piece of art, a little extra research can go a long way.

Dive deep into your topic, explore different perspectives, and gather inspiration from various sources.

You'll be amazed at how this newfound knowledge can shape your approach and elevate your work to new heights.

Here's another idea I give you, for example. Many people think: Well, if I'm a UX designer, I should follow people who do things related to UX, right?

And the thing is, you're not realizing, but you're limiting yourself to that.

For example, I follow a lot of people from the 3D world, typography, branding design... why? Besides, I don't do any of that.

The point is that they are still design disciplines, and they will have a different approach than mine.

Look at this example, it's 3D, and that's it. It's amazing, by the way. But this gives me ideas to do things extrapolated to UX/UI.

Designed by Jaime

Analyze what you're currently doing.

Take a step back, review your work, and ask yourself, "How can I make this different?"

Sometimes, small tweaks can make a big difference. Look for areas where you can inject your unique style, experiment with alternative techniques, or explore unconventional angles.

By challenging the status quo, you'll infuse your work with originality and set yourself apart from the crowd.

Remember, my friend, design is all about pushing boundaries and finding new ways to communicate visually.

Embrace those 5 minutes as an opportunity for experimentation and exploration. Play around with colors, typography, layouts, or even storytelling techniques.

Unleash your creativity and let your imagination run wild.

You never know what extraordinary results may emerge from those seemingly small moments of deviation.

Don't underestimate the power of collaboration.

Engage with your colleagues, peers, or even a friendly community of designers.

Share your ideas, seek feedback, and encourage others to share their perspectives.

Sometimes, it's the diverse insights and collective brainstorming that truly make a difference in our creative journeys.

And don't forget to pay it forward—offer your own input and support to those around you.

Together, we can design a brighter future.

P.S. Don't forget to enjoy your coffee while it's still warm! (And don't spill it like I do every week!)

Until next time,

Cheers, Jordi Espinosa.