🎁 Newsletter Updates · The Bunker

The Bunker updates, new content, new collaborators, new resources and much more!

After these last 6 months, +500 designers (and growing every day) have joined the project. So massive thank you! Honestly!

As you know, most of the posts that are uploaded, are extensions of the posts I do on Instagram and Twitter. You know that Instagram and Twitter are platforms where you have to upload shorter and summarised content (mostly due to text length limitations), and here we can go on as long as we want 🥰.

In the last 6 months, many of you have spoken to me on Instagram, some of you have offered to create content (which I am very grateful for, and which you will see will evolve in a very interesting way), and above all you have spoken to me to get me to upload more content. (Which makes me incredibly happy and grateful for that 💝)

"Upload more content" has probably been the most repeated comment over the last few months, so I've decided to do the following:

  • 🍹 We expand the content up to 3 free posts per week. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (I'll let you breathe, relax).
  • 🍹 I’m mentioning “free-posts” because we’re introducing the Premium Subscriptions! (More about this down below).
  • 🍹 New links & resources for every post at the bottom of each post at the “The Bunker Bookmarks”.
  • 🍹 Subscriber Live Chat. We’re enabling the live-chat functionality. This basically means that we’re enabling a sort of community channel where we can talk all together in live.
  • In there, I’ll answer all the questions you have.
  • I’ll share exclusive content behind the scenes (some pictures while being in the office developing new features for the product, for example).
  • 🍹 New collaborators are joining the project! (More about this down below).

The idea is to expand the content, shortening each post to a limit of 2-3 minutes of reading time per post and to be able to upload more varied content.

Instead of doing 1 post of 5-10 minutes each week, we will do 2 with a slightly shorter format.

🎫🏆 The Bunker Premium Access 🎫🏆


I can finally announce that I've created the paid-subscription model! Why?

The content I make at The Bunker has pure value, it's hard to create. It takes way too much time.

To provide real value, it takes a lot of work. It's research, thinking, writing and shaping content in a way that is understood by the audience.

Getting, writing and transmitting content of real value costs a lot more than creating content with artificial intelligence (hard truths).

That's why I've decided to enable this subscription programme, so you can enjoy more valuable content.

If we do all the content for free, this will not be a problem, but the pace of the content will be drastically reduced due to the time it takes to create each post.

However, if we enable the paid-subscription form, I will be able to afford to quit other jobs to focus on this project and be able to offer you up to 3-5 posts a week with real value. This will basically allow me to put more effort into this Newsletter.

Fortunately The Bunker, over time, has become one of my sources of income (small, but one of them), allowing me to leave other projects and focus purely on offering valuable content to my audience.

Which over time you have shown me, is what you really like and what you find useful (very important).

What new things can I get as a paid subscriber?

  • Exclusive interviews with UX/UI designers from Adobe, Google...
  • 2+ exclusive posts every week.
  • Access to Subscriber Live Chat. We’re enabling the live-chat functionality. This basically means that we’re enabling a sort of community channel where we can talk all together in live.
  • In there, I’ll answer all the questions you have.
  • I’ll share exclusive content behind the scenes (some pictures while being in the office developing new features for the product, for example).
  • +100 free resources, links and tools that are part of my repository as UX/UI Designer in the footer of the posts.
  • Access to behind the scenes content. I'll share screenshots, videos and content related to the projects I'm doing every week so you can see how they are built.
  • Free content in my Gumroad shop, with links visible only to them (nobody else can download it).
  • Guides, courses and books.

Why should you become a paid subscriber?

  • Because you like the content you consume and because you value the work and time behind each post.
  • Because you want to make a little extra money every month thanks to the content you consume.
  • Because you are curious to get new links, resources and exclusive downloadable material.
  • Because you want to have access to exclusive material such as guides and downloadable documents that are only offered in the Newsletter.


🥂 New collaborators are joining The Bunker🥂

A few weeks ago we interviewed Jordan Hughes, one of my favourite designers because of his great capacity to create content and new designs every day, in a super coherent way and delivering high-quality projects. (And founder of UntitledUI, the largest Design System library in Figma).

You loved the interview, you really liked the fact that instead of talking about generic topics, I brought in a professional to give us his experience in the sector. We made a post based on the voice of experience.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, here it is for you to take a look: ♾️ How to Get Unlimited Creative Inspiration · The Bunker #15

That's why I've decided to invite more designers to come and tell us about their experience here in the Newsletter, and I'm happy to announce that we will have some very interesting designers (designers from Adobe, Google...) in the coming weeks.

🎉 You can’t miss it! 🎉

Once again, thank you very much for being part of this project!

Cheers, Jordi Espinosa.